An ambitious new housing strategy that delivers new homes and refurbishment investment was agreed at Newham Council Cabinet earlier this week.
Local mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz said; “This is an unashamedly ambitious plan to deliver thousands more homes and provide the housing security that our residents urgently need.”
The idea behind the plan is to put local people at the heart of housing, making sure that they are involved in the co-design of all development schemes led by the Council.
The strategy sets out a massive £96m three-year council homes maintenance programme, starting with a comprehensive stock condition survey, to repair and refurbish homes with the highest levels of safety and sustainability principals applied.
Cllr Shaban Mohammed, cabinet member for Housing Services, “We will do all we can to prevent and alleviate homelessness with investment in a new centre of excellence to support those who experience street homelessness. Crucially we will be working with all partners to avoid a potential tsunami of evictions as a result of the COVID-19 economic crisis.
“Newham has a bright future and we are working together with residents to improve and invest in the neighbourhoods that they are proud to call home. This strategy will help us deliver these promises.”