Struggling to Sell Your Home

5 Alarming Facts Every Seller Must Know If Their Home Is UNSOLD After 6 weeks. (#3 Will Shock You).

Not all estate agents are created equal. 

Some are awesome, most are average and alas there are plenty of dreadful ones that give the industry I love a bad name.  

Do any of the below sound familiar?
Feedback after viewings is rarely received.
The agent that valued the property hasn’t been seen since.
The property was overvalued and now they’re telling me to reduce.
I only hear from the agent when I call them.
There’s been no advice on next steps – they blame the market.
The photos don’t do the property justice.

I’ve produced a special report specifically for sellers feeling frustration that their home remains UNSOLD.


What you should NEVER tell your estate agent.
Why getting an asking price right isn’t always an estate agent's objective.
​Why some agents recommend buyer offers that are in their best interest, not yours